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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 2, pp. 157-304

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A Connection Problem for Second Order Linear Differential Equations with Two Irregular Singular Points

Friedrich Naundorf

pp. 157-175

On the Boundedness and Stability of Solutions of Some Differential Equations of the Fifth Order

E. N. Chukwu

pp. 176-194

Error Bounds in the Final Value Problem for the Heat Equation

Alfred Carasso

pp. 195-199

A Generalization of the Carathéodory–Fejér Problem

S. J. Poreda

pp. 200-212

Asymptotic Integration of Linear Differential Equations Subject to Integral Smallness Conditions Involving Ordinary Convergence

William F. Trench

pp. 213-221

A Priori Inequalities and the Direchlet Problem for a Pseudo-Parabolic Equation

Vincent G. Sigillito

pp. 222-229

Lie Theory and Separation of Variables for the Equation \[ iU_t + \Delta _2 U - \left( {\frac{\alpha }{{x_1^2 }} + \frac{\beta }{{x_2^2 }}} \right)U = 0\]

Charles P. Boyer

pp. 230-263

Inclusion Theorems for the Zeros of Certain Recursively Generated Polynomials

Gladys Hayes Crates and John W. Jayne

pp. 264-270

The Characterization of Solutions of $\nabla ^2 \phi + \lambda ^2 \phi = 0$ by a Functional Equation

A. McD. Mercer

pp. 271-275

Temporally Inhomogeneous Scattering Theory. II: Approximation Theory and Second Order Equations

Jerome A. Goldstein and Charles J. Monlezun

pp. 276-290

Quadratic Transformations of Appell Functions

B. C. Carlson

pp. 291-304